Series-Cravings Watch Stream The Lion King

3.9/ 5stars

The Lion King Series-Cravings



Liked It: 187976 Votes / / Stars: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Beyoncé / Duration: 118Minutes / Genre: Animation / year: 2019

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I watched it like just yesterday. lol. Love this Movie ?? I can watch it over N over again; it always feels like the first time I watched it. Such amazing message! ?? Remember who YOU are ??. Yea looks pretty and realistic but the lack of expression and shit just didnt work for me. You guys know that this is stolen from the old Japanese anime called Leo the Lion and his kid name was Kimba.

I like lion King cartoon voice than 2019. Oh Boy the lion king. Firstly I would like to say that this film was visually ever. it fell flat in terms of emotional impact and intensity. For example I give you a simple scene from the original "Zazoo, take Nala home, I need to teach my son a lesson. This scene follows the run in with the hyaenas at the elephant are all familiar with this. This scene was intense and had feeling to it in the original. Little Simba knew he had made a mistake at this point and was upset by the fact his Father (a person he looks up to and respects) disapproved of his actions and it shows. This led to a special moment where "all is forgiven" after the lecture and father and son bond. In the remake this FELL FLAT. Young Simba just doesn"t appear to take it on board or show any remorse for his actions but instead appears to be a little brat that is prepared to just accept "what is.
Moving on, the instrumental musical score (which remains the same as the original) appeared to carry the voice actors through the emotional scenes. The popular songs with lyrics were performed well (if not a little overdone at times with yodelling.
I was not a fan of unnecessary changes to the script in certain scenes especially at the expense of removing humour. I mean let"s be real, we are talking about an almost shot for shot live action remake but with changes to script. Ok. One scene in particular from the original "Hey who"s the pig. Are you talking to me. Uh-oh they called him a pig" still makes me laugh to this day. Instead we have this thing about Pumba feeling bullied. if your going to remake something, REMAKE it.
Off topic: Rafiki"s name wasn"t even mentioned in the movie, again from changes to script. No "you follow old Rafiki he knows the way. Rafiki"s lively personality was not in the remake. Simba never got hit with the stick. I was unable to relate to the character in the remake as it FELL FLAT (overuse of an overly saturated description of a remake. Instead Rafiki was a quiet and wise which was alright to a degree but not at the expense of removing character development.
Timone and Pumba - I did enjoy these guys and laughed at times.
Conclusion - I gave this movie a 5 for it"s visuals.


I answer to no one something exactly what a Leo would say. But this movie was really awsome and i will never forget my favorate disney remake. Bruhhhhh?? cant wait to see??. 1:17 Scar 1:31 was that today 1:35 - 1:36 mustve slipped my mind 1:55 I was first in line 1:58 oh dont you remember 2:04 - 2:05 - 2:06 - 2:07 - 2:08 - 2:09 - 2:10 - 2:11 - 2:12 - 2:13 - 2:14 - 2:15 - 2:16 - 2:17 - 2:18 dont turn your back on me Scar, oh no Mufasa perhaps you should turn your back on me, Mufasa roars, is that a challenge, I wouldnt dream of challenging you again 2:20 - 2:21 - 2:22 - 2:23 a wise decision, you are no match for his royalness 2:24 - 2:25 - 2:26 - 2:27 - 2:28 - 2:29 - 2:30 - 2:31 - 2:32 - 2:33 well as far as brains go Ive got the lion share, but when it comes to brutal strength Im afraid my big brother will always rule.


In the original, do you guys remember when Nala gave Simba the Come Hither look. Tusitala: Jeff Nathanson (screenplay by) Irene Mecchi (fa?avae i luga o le King Lion screenplay by. 2 isi fa?atagaga. I find John Oliver"s Zazu more humorous while Rowan Atkinson"s Zazu was more stuck up.

I dont like Scar in this version, I feel like they made him more of a brute than in the original


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